Predicting The Future Of SEO Results

These days every man and his dog claims to be a digital agency offering any skill found under the sun. We often see SEO being offered by development houses as an after thought where it is an up-selling tactic rather than a service in which they truly hold expertise in. While there are a handful of agencies that are the exception, we often have clients come to us who are unhappy with their SEO results, and after a quick glance, we can see that whoever was doing their SEO simply didn’t have a clue as some of the basics aren’t even covered such as poor title tags, no sitemap, poor indexation, no goals setup, and the list can go on and on.
This post isn’t to rag on about what other people do. No, this post is to showcase how iMod Digital does things differently to ensure that all of our clients get our utmost attention, and the best return for their money.

At iMod Digital, we have created an in-house tool which helps us predict traffic volumes, for both total traffic, as well as organic traffic, going forward with impeccable accuracy. Now, we don’t want to give away too much, but what we do want to share with you is what this means for our clients. It means that at any point of the month we can see how the website did the previous month, how it is doing this month up until the date in question, and then our software predicts how the site will do for the rest of the month in comparison to the previous month, amongst a number of other aspects.
This beautifully crafted piece of intelligent software means that our clients get something that is truly unique in the SEO industry: proactive action rather than reactive panic.
At iMod Digital we take great pride in the results that we have achieved for our clients and will continue to focus on providing the best possible service available so as to ensure that your company gets the best return possible with your Digital Marketing and SEO efforts.
Take a look at the results we achieved for a client within the property industry.

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