Most people who own a website are aware or have at least heard of goals and conversions. The goal or conversion being a specific action that takes place on a website which is tracked, such as making a purchase or completing a form. However, a lot of people aren't aware that you can track clicks on a website and set those up as goals. For example, if you have an email address at the bottom of your website you might want to know how many people have clicked on said email address. Google Analytics has this functionality available and it's our opinion that it's heavily under utilised. Today we're going to show you how to track clicks on your website with Google Analytics.
The first thing we need to do is create a goal almost as we usually do:
- Log into your Google Analytics account.
- Navigate to Goals under the "Admin" tab.
- Click on "+ New Goal".
- From the Goal setup choose "Custom" and click "Continue".
- Give the goal a name such as "Email click".
- Choose "Event" for "Type" and click "Continue".
- Enter in a "Category", "Action" and "Label" as per the screenshot example below. (further reading)
- Click the "Save" button.