To be a great marketer on any platform, you need to be aware of everything that is on offer. We’ve compiled this guide to assist marketers as well as those who want to become Twitter marketers. Use this guide to ensure that you understand everything that Twitter makes available to you.
Twitter offers a number of settings that you have control over, from your Account settings to Security and Privacy Settings to Design Settings.
Using Twitter on your mobile phone is a powerful way to always stay in touch. Twitter’s Mobile Phone Settings allow you to decide when you want to receive notifications, allowing you to be in control over the aspects that are most important to you.
In Twitter you can decide when you want to receive Email Notifications. These notifications may be when you’re mentioned, when a tweet is favourited or even when someone in your address book follows you.
Finding new people to follow is half the point of Twitter and with the Friend Finder feature, you’re given the tools to look for people who you are already connected with.
There are always going to be people who bug you or spam you. Make sure that you check your Blocked List from time to time to make sure you aren’t blocking someone you would actually like to be following. Keep this list well curated.
People are quick to pick a design and stick with it for months on end. It’s important to keep your Twitter profile looking fresh, you can do this in the Design Settings.
If you’re a regular Twitter user and you play with apps and the likes, it’s important to check your App List from time to time to ensure that you know which applications have access to your profile!
Looking for a way to get your name out there more or to include your tweets on your website perhaps? Twitter’s Widgets will allow you to do this. There are several highly customisable widgets available to you, spend time learning the features available to you.
There really is no point trying to market on Twitter if you’re not keeping up to date with your Twitter Analytics. Twitter Analytics offer you a myriad of useful data points and metrics to work with.
If you’re a true marketer, you’ll be familiar with Twitter’s Advertising Platform. Launch a campaign and experiment with the various options available to you.
We live in a day and age where time is precious. Twitter offers a number of really useful shortcuts that are worth familiarising yourself with.
Lists allow you to group people with similar interests together and then only view tweets from said groups. Lists allow you to focus in on a topic and are incredibly useful for getting topic-related information in real-time.
Twitter offers a Search like most tools on the Internet, but there’s more to it. Although there’s a standard search, Twitter also offers an Advanced Search and a list of Operators to assist you with more accurate searches.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments box below.