Work Wednesday: Year End Function

As the end of the year approaches and most people start booking things to do for year end functions, we decided that we better get cracking before everything gets booked. We posed the question on Facebook asking what people felt would be fun and we got some good suggestions: Putt Putt, go-karting, wine tasting, advanced driver courses, 4×4 courses, Table Mountain Cable Car trip and so the list went on. Unfortunately, these are all things we’ve either done or someone in the team wasn’t too keen. We also felt that the team-building element was missing.
That’s when we got told about HintHunt. HintHunt is a new simple and fun live escape game. You get 60 minutes to climb a mountain of puzzles and mysteries in a tiny room. The goal is simple yet challenging: get out in time! During this engaging and challenging game team members truly live and breathe in union for an hour.
How awesome does that sound?
So we’re going to be stuck in a room and have to solve problems together – the joke amongst the office is who is going to get shouted at by who first! It certainly does drum up some images of Saw:

We’re definitely going to need some cocktails at the beach afterwards!
What are you doing for your year end function?

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